Daphne arrived with us late on Saturday a scared and nervous dog. Over the last few days she has come out of her shell and is beginning to show her true character. She’s still unsure of some things and is yet to explore some of the house and most of the garden. Her last visit to the garden was late one night, the owls in the wood joining our house were hooting and she was listening intently to them with her head on one side. Today has been her best day by far, much more confidence and seems to be enjoying life more. She enjoys her meals, we started with chicken & pasta and we’ve moved on to dog food and kibble for the last few days. Her favourites at the moment seem to be her scrambled eggs for breakfast and a small piece of cheese she had as treat. Her early days were spent mainly sleeping, but she was more awake during the day today. We’ve decided to shorten her name to ‘Daffy’, she now responds to this when we call her, so she must be learning her new name.
One year later: When Daphne arrived she was so timid and scared of her own shadow. We now have a different dog and she is amazing. She is so inquisitive and can’t take two steps without having a good sniff at everything around her. It was hard work to begin with and we wondered what on earth we had done but now we couldn’t imagine life without her. She is absolutely adorable and makes us laugh everyday. It was definitely the best decision we ever made coming to you guys to rescue an absolute angel.

D.O.B. 01.06. 2018