PLAN B – sponsor only

PLAN B – sponsor only

Plan B is a fabulous medium sized boy who is sponsor only due to being uncertain of human touch. He and his friends were saved from the streets. Please help Stray2Me keep him safe while we work on building his trust.

PRIAM – sponsor only

PRIAM – sponsor only

Priam is a handsome medium sized boy who is sponsor only due to being uncertain of human touch. He and his friends were saved from the streets. Please help Stray2Me keep him safe while we work on building his trust.

PIPPA – sponsor only

PIPPA – sponsor only

Pippa is a gorgeous medium sized girl who is sponsor only due to being scared of human touch. She was saved from the kill list of a horrid public shelter and will most likely never find a home. Please help Stray2Me keep her safe.

COOPER – Adopted by Rescuer

COOPER – Adopted by Rescuer

Cooper is a very timid male dog who was saved from the kill list. He has obviously been beaten. He is now living with other dogs in the rescuers home and is slowly gaining confidence. Stray2Me Rescue would dearly love someone to sponsor him.

STIG (now Pretzel) (MS) – Adopted U.K.

STIG (now Pretzel) (MS) – Adopted U.K.

Stig was thrown away next to the garbage. He is approx. 3 months old. He has a great nature and loves other cats. Stig only has sight in one eye as when he was rescued, his eyes were in a dreadful way. He currently shares his space with a dog and other cats! Can you give this fighter a purfect home?