8 September 2021:

These two babies are cared for by Ana, our friend who rescued a few of our gorgeous adoptees such as Luca the puppy and Luna the cat (previously Panteruța). They are positive for panleukopenia and will need really expensive treatment to have a chance at surviving. Their first day of treatment and emergency hospital care was aprox £120 and one of them had to return to be hospitalised as it’s not doing well ????Please can you consider donating as little as you can to support Ana and help keep them alive?

2 October 2021:

One of the babies is feeling better, but the second one still needs a lot of support to get better…

28 April 2022:

The two cats have made it through the treatment – one of them unfortunately will have to live with long term complications, but the other one healed nicely and is ready to find a new home with another cat that was on the streets with them. Ana has had to spay them because they are almost 1 year old and may start getting in fights, and she’s taken the ill boy to her mom’s place. The other two will be promoted as soon as we have more information on them.

Stray cats with Panleukopenia