A guide to Standard Test for Cats
Before your cat leaves the shelter, we run a number of tests to rule out some common diseases / infections.
FIV/FeLV, Giardia, FCov (antigen and antibody), and for kittens Triple Test (FPV, FCov and Giardia)
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
- Viral infection which causes a weakened immune system
- FIV cats can have as long a life expectancy as non FIV positive cats
- However, can be more prone to common diseases – respiratory problems, skin problems, mouth inflammation & certain tumours.
- Spread through bodily fluids, (blood) so FIV positive cats should be indoor only and single cat households.
- It is not transmissible to humans
- A small sample of blood is drawn
If a second line appears, then this indicates a positive for either FIV or FeLV.
- Feline Leukaemia Virus
- Commonly causes anemia or lymphoma & suppresses the immune system
- Spread via saliva, blood, and to a lesser extent urine and faeces
- Resistance seems to increase with age, so kittens and younger cats are more likely to contract it. Cats can eliminate the virus
- FeLV positive should be indoor only, single cats
- An intestinal infection caused by a small parasite. Clinical signs may be diarrhea.
- Giardia cysts may be present in water or the ground.
- Treatment is metronidazole antibiotics for between 3 – 10 days depending on severity.
A small sample of faeces is tested. A second line would indicate a positive result
FCov – antigen (Ag) & antibodies (Ab)
- Feline Coronavirus
- Viral infection
- Can cause mild dihorrea
- Most cats eliminate the virus, however some cats develop a persistent infection
- Virus can be spread in cat faeces. Multi cat households are more likely to spread infection
- FCov is not dangerous, but it can mutate, particularly at times of stress, to become FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) for which there is no test, and no treatment.
- Treatment is to boost the immune system with supplements.
- A positive result for FCov antibodies and a negative result for FCov antigen means the cat no longer has FCov, but has recovered and now has antibodies. However, they could get it again.
- If the FCov antigen and antibodies tests are both negative, then the cat has never had FCov
Triple Test – FPV, FCov, Giardia
- Generally used for kittens
- Feline Parovirus also known as (Feline Infectious Enteritis) & (Feline Panleukopenia)
- A resilient virus that can survive in the environment for long periods of time
- Mostly spread by a contaminated environment or infected cat faeces. Particularly in multi cat households / catteries
- Can be fatal, so a cat who tests positive is unlikely to travel
FCov (Ag)
- Testing for the presence of Feline Corona virus at time of test, not antibodies
- Please see above
Please consult your vet prior to adopting from us should you have any concerns, or need further clarification regarding these tests. ????