Please support us by signing the petitions and using the template below to write to your local MP, following the cruel and devastating decision by Eurotunnel to restrict transport of dogs and cats from Europe into the UK to 5 animals per vehicle, something which is totally unsustainable and could signal the end of rescue from abroad. Thank you.
Petition to UK Government:…/561131/moderation-info
Petition on Change:…/eurotunnel-le-shuttle-reverse…
Contact Eurotunnel:
Email Number 10:
Find your MP’s details:
Template email to your MP:
This is a desperate plea for your help. Eurotunnel have, without giving any prior warning, changed the rules for the commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets from Europe. What I understand from Stray2Me Rescue, the UK animal rescue charity that I support, is that until 18.11.20 Type 2 Commercial transport was permitted to bring 20 animals per vehicle under the Traces system. As of midday, 19.11.20, Eurotunnel has restricted the number of animals to 5 per vehicle. The effect of this decision will mean that the transportation of dogs and cats from countries such as Romania or Spain will no longer be financially viable, and will cease.
Many UK charities and not-for-profits support rescuers and rescues from Europe living in countries with appalling animal welfare standards. Part of that support is relocating animals saved from appalling conditions to the UK in order for them to enjoy a life free from pain and abuse. By putting transport companies out of business, because this is what it will do, Eurotunnel are condemning many thousands of animals to a life of continued misery and abuse. Eurotunnel are also increasing the likelihood of driving people into the arms of puppy farmers and unscrupulous breeders as people who would have otherwise supported rescue, are forced to look elsewhere for dogs and cats. This cannot be allowed to happen and I am in shock at the cruelty of such a decision.
I hope you will be able to support me and help me hold Eurotunnel to account for such a devastating decision. They need to be encouraged to revoke their decision immediately.
Yours faithfully,