The lovely Ria arrived in the early hours of Sunday morning about a month ago (June) ; she took this all in her stride and slept soundly until we excitedly got up to greet her; she spent her first hour outside scanning with a very practiced eye every inch of our wooden perimeter fence which alarmed me so I grabbed a new collar and harness attaching a clip to hold them both together. Within seconds of attempting to walk her around the garden in her double lead she ducked her head and had them both off wagging her tail in delight at her own ingenuity! Strange as it seems I was not worried and decided to leave her to explore with Rusty GSD and Lottie Jack Russell. They were intrigued she was amused and just appeared to be in need of food and cuddles. I have not put the lead on her since and she has made no attempts to run out the gate. I believe in her doggie wisdom she’s decided we are alright. Ria is very clever opening the back door to let the others out and climbing up the old mounting block into my Land Rover without needing any assistance she sleeps on my husbands bed at night which is wonderful for him as he suffers with insomnia and enjoys cuddling his canine bed buddy. All together adopting Ria has proved to be a wonderful blessing and the help and support of the lovely people at Stray2Me has been second to none. I would highly recommend a rescue to anyone they love you unconditionally and with dogged gratitude.