Bella (Adela) was rescued from the streets of Romania at 6 months old and we were able to give her a chance at a Better Life Ahead in Devon with us and big brother Buddy Schnoodle.
We hadn’t adopted a rescue before but the process was very straightforward. The S2ME team were really helpful with any questions/concerns we had at the time and have been really supportive ever since. You really do become part of the S2me family.
As soon as we were approved, Bella travelled on the next Happy Bus from Romania. As soon as she stepped into our home, she jumped straight into the armchair! Bella had never lived in a house before but it was lovely to see her feel so comfortable in our home with us straightaway.
Buddy wasn’t impressed with her first of all but they did become the best of friends shortly after and she’s learnt a lot from Buddy (both good and bad!) We’ve now had Bella for 2 years and she’s fitted in really well. It takes her a little while to trust other dogs, especially around food, but is absolutely fine once she knows they’re not a threat.
We couldn’t imagine our world without her, she’s such a mischievous and loving pup and both Bella and Buddy bring a lot of fun to our lives. I just wish we could adopt more of them!