Why did you decide to adopt a Romanian rescue and how was the process?
Being Greek, I knew that Eastern Europe has a huge amount of strays compared to the UK. After years of wanting a cat, I finally asked my new building for permission, and when I received it, I began going through the traditional route of looking at UK rescues. Unfortunately my rescue options were quite limited as someone without a car, and I was recommended Stray2me by a friend, whose friend had just adopted a cat from them a few months prior. I was truly impressed by how well-communicated the process was – it was about 4 weeks between being matched with Mouse that she arrived, and the team was really helpful with updates all along the way.
What advice would you give to others considering a Romanian rescue?
Do your research and make sure that you communicate any changes in lifestyle that will undoubtedly occur post-pandemic. Stray2me was so helpful in my case, matching me with a cat who they deemed would do well being indoors only, and who would eventually be ok with me going into the office 2-3 days per week once the pandemic eases. Also, it’s always better to prepare for the worst (shyness, hiding, etc) and be pleasantly surprised like I was. Finally, know that it is quite a shock to the system at first! There will be an adjustment period for both you and your cat, and that’s okay!
What was it like the first moment you met your rescue?
In all honesty, I started panicking because of how loud Mouse was crying and how much she was shaking in her carrier. Once we let her out, she hid for about 20 minutes, and then strolled out, sniffing everything. Within an hour she was on her back asking for belly rubs and acting like she owned the flat. I think I was more scared than her!
I severely underestimated the truth in all the things I read about torties having “tortitude”. Mouse is truly a crazy tortie, super loving, but absolutely insane. I’ve never seen a cat so vocal, or so crazy in her frenzied nightly zoomies. She’s super smart, and demanding, which is a terrifying combination when she wants to play with her feather wand (aka all the time). It’s been really lovely to see all the new sides to her personality come out – she was fairly docile her first 10 days, but once she realised she was here to stay, she really started acting like queen of the castle. I’ve had her just under 2 months, and this week, she’s started crawling into bed with me and using my head as her pillow for us to sleep together. She has the biggest personality I’ve ever seen, and I’m so grateful to Stray2me.

Check out our Happy Tails page for more cute snaps of Sissy or visit our other rescues waiting for their forever homes.